Thursday, September 6, 2007

Quarter mile repeats repeated

Okay, so now it is officially a tradition. I hit the track again Wednesday to do the repeats and they were fun. My legs are definitely ready for a break today. The repeats were harder this week than last, but since Monday was a holiday and I didn't have to work I cross trained instead of rested. Bad Andi! I know, I got overzealous. But, today, I'm resting and moving on. May try to add a few blocks to my three miler tomorrow, but we'll see.

I also want to send good wishes to Marathon Dude Bill who will be running his marathon this weekend. It's pretty exciting to reach that point and it's been great to read about your training. You'll do awesome! Enjoy it.


Nancy said...

Happy rest day!! I haven't deciding if I am resting or running. What did I just say about being prepared for short runs? I should probably decide soon :)

Good luck adding on some distance!!

Bill Carter said...

Thanks for the nice thoughts.

I know that repeats are tough and they will make you sore. The buildup of lactic acid is quite alot higher than on easy runs and you will pay for it with some increased tightness. But there is a payoff. You will notice that your usual pace will feel easier. You will also have much better running economy which means that you can run longer, faster, and not use as much energy....and that will help you in that ultimate goal, the marathon.

Congrats on all the progress you are making on your training. It is amazing how far you have come in such a short time.

Best of luck, Bill

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

Those quarter mile repeats will help your speed and confidence. Isn't it great to feel the legs turning over fast!

Bill is right about future similar workouts feeling better, faster, requiring less recovery.

So glad for your progressing so well!

Keep up the great work!

Ali said...

I always ache the day after repeats. Enjoy your rest day! You earned it!