Monday, October 15, 2007

Kick the Couch 5k

I ran the Kick the couch 5k yesterday and it was fun. Even though I didn't see the people I was running with, knowing there were people in over 6o countries running this weekend was pretty cool. 5k is the normal route I do around my house when I have my easy days, so it was like running on a normal day, but I decided to treat it like a race and try to do my best. So far the fastest I had run the route was 32:30 but I finished yesterday at 32:21! Woohoo!

Anyway, today I woke up with a cramp in my calf which freaked me out a bit. But after a walk it mellowed out. I've started to walk to work instead of drive. See, my work is only 1.4 miles from my house and I don't know why I usually drive. It's kind of like, until you decide to not be a bum any longer you'll keep on being a bum. I decided that walking to work is a good way to add some milage to the legs one way or another. Plus, it saves gas. Either way, I may as well be walking.


Nancy said...

Walking to work? I think that counts for that national bloggers unite about saving the earth day that is today?? Good work, I bet you didn't even know that was today. I did but didn't post on it :D

Great job on the 5k, puts me to shame!!

I think you should totally come here and do Dam to Dam. We'd have a blast.

Andria said...

Wow! It must have been written in the stars because my birthday also happens to be April 22 which is Earth day :)

I'm thinking about the Dam to Dam... looks like fun.

Jamie said...

Nice work on the 5k! Way to push yourself w/ no one around!

And walking to work. If you ever get sick of the walk you could always ride your bike or blade :) You will be surprised to see how much $ you save on gas every month even though it's only a short distance.

Amanda said...

Good work on the PR!

How cool is it that you can walk to work? To work and back is almost a 5K daily.

Marcy said...

WHOOO HOOOOOO!!! Awesome job on the PR chica!! ;D ;D

And VERY cool that you're going to start walking to work. Good for the legs, the environment, and saves money on gas. Can't go wrong there, right? ;-)

Bill Carter said...

It is really tough to run for stretches by yourself and you really tore it up. Congrats! Calves can be finicky little buggers and will occasionally act up. But it never really seems to amount to much and they seem to fall right back in line. Disney is coming fast.... you will be ready.

Andria said...

Thanks for all the nice words guys! BRFs are the best :)

Mike said...

Just checking out Runners Lounge and found your blog. Great to see other fellow Christian runners out there!


Pokey said...

Always nice to set a PR on a regular route!! WTG!

kate said...

Great job on the PR and for running the World Wide Half. That's a really cool event!